The Rev’d Kathryn Waite – 01223 839069
(Please note that Kathryn’s day off is Friday)
Associate Priest
The Rev’d Petra Shakeshaft – 07847 307416
(Please note that Petra’s day off is Friday)
Assistant Curates
The Rev’d William Lyon Tupman – 07940 795026 –
The Rev’d Ian Henderson – 0775 412 4787 –
Corinne Roughley –
Authorised Lay Minister
Sally Bard – 01223 501165 (Pastoral and Worship Leading)
Church Office
The Church Office is based in St. Mary’s Community Hall, next to the Vicarage in Church Lane. It is open most weekday mornings between 9.30am and 11.00am. Our Parish Administrator, Jo Johnson, can be contacted by telephone 01223 837298 (an answer machine is available to leave non-urgent messages) or email However, if your enquiry is urgent, please contact the Vicar or the Churchwardens (see above).
Community Hall Bookings
All enquiries regarding bookings for St Mary’s Community Hall should be made to Jeanette Harvey at
St Mary’s Church is committed to safeguarding all those who attend worship and other activities run by the Church. For details, please see our Safeguarding page.
Privacy and Data Protection
St Mary’s Church respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. A copy of our privacy notice can be found here. The consent form for how St Mary’s Church uses your data is available to download here.